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Ways We Help

We care for our own...


Caring for Those We Serve With

In 2020, the LEA sent out the following:


Get Well/Gift Cards - 13
Onesies/Cards - 10
Deaths in Families - 8 with Multiple Flower Orders
Support to Outside agencies 2

Thank you cards - 3

We had a personalized flag box and Pendleton blanket created for Ranger Jeff Long, may he Rest in Peace.

We had a personalized Pendleton blanket created for a Law Enforcement assistant battling Cancer.


In a special fundraiser, we raised over $17,000 for one of our own faced with a medical emergency. 


Honoring our Agents and Rangers

In 2020, the LEA Purchased and Presented:


Retirement Badges @ $103 - 14 and 3 pending for 2021 (on order)
Special Agent / Ranger of the Year Firearm - 1 @ $280

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Fundraising and Fun

All 2020 was and will be forever known as a year of many changes. The BLM LEA was not given an opportunity, like we have in all past years, to have social functions, large gatherings, or attend trainings in which we were able to provide services, sell merchandise and take membership dues.  We hope with this website to sell some fun stuff and fundraise for a good cause!  


Thank you all for the support and remember, we are here for all of you.

If you would like to donate any additional, we are a registered non-for-profit organization.

Meet the Team: What We Do



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Rebecca M.

Vice President and Webmaster



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Meet the Team: Meet the Team
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